VENDU / SOLD ! MC1299 Statue d'ancêtre BASIKASINGO SIKASINGO Pre Bembe Ancestor Figure
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Belle statue d'ancêtre BASIKASINGO
Mizi ou Mizimu
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Très belle statue de facture classique pour cette tribu
Pour une statue avec une position, une architecture, des dimensions et des proportions très similaire, voir "African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian Art including Property from the Krugier and Lasansky Collection, Sotheby's New York, 16/05/2014, lot 283"
Very beautiful statue of classical invoice for this tribe
For a statue with a very similar position, architecture, dimensions and proportions, see "African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian Art including Property from the Krugier and Lasansky Collection, Sotheby's New York, 05/16/2014, lot 283"
Who are the Basikasingo?
The Basinkasingo live in eastern Congo, north-west of Lake Tanganyka, in the Province of South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi, and more precisely in the Sector of Lulenge.
They are named Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others (Nicolas de Kun, 1979)
Like the Hemba, (and the Boyo), their ancestor effigies are famous
Pour une statue avec une position, une architecture, des dimensions et des proportions très similaire, voir "African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian Art including Property from the Krugier and Lasansky Collection, Sotheby's New York, 16/05/2014, lot 283"
Qui sont les Basikasingo ?
Les Basinkasingo vivent dans l'est du Congo, au nord-ouest du Lac Tanganyka, dans la Province du Sud Kivu, dans le Territoire de Fizi, et plus précisément dans le Secteur de Lulenge.
Ils sont aussi appelés Pre-Bembe par certains spécialistes comme D. Biebuyck
(Biebuyck 1981) ou considérés comme un lignage Boyo (ou Buyu) par d'autres, comme Nicolas de Kun, (de Kun, 1979)
A l'instar des Hemba, (et des Boyo), leurs effigies d'ancêtres sont célèbres
Ils sont aussi appelés Pre-Bembe par certains spécialistes comme D. Biebuyck
(Biebuyck 1981) ou considérés comme un lignage Boyo (ou Buyu) par d'autres, comme Nicolas de Kun, (de Kun, 1979)
A l'instar des Hemba, (et des Boyo), leurs effigies d'ancêtres sont célèbres
TYPE D'OBJET: Statuette d'ancêtre,
GROUPE ETHNIQUE: Basikasingo, Sikasingo, Kasingo, Pre Bembe
PAYS D'ORIGINE: République Démocratique du Congo RDC.
(Ex Congo Belge, ex Zaïre).
DIMENSIONS: Hauteur : 42 cm
46.5 cm avec le socle
ETAT: Moyen
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- The Tribal Arts of Africa, Jean-Baptiste Bacquart, Thames and Hudson, 1998
- Statuary from the pre-Bembe hunters, Daniel P. Biebuyck, MRAC Tervuren, 1981
L’Art Boyo, Nicolas de Kun, Africa-Tervuren, XXV, n°2, 1979
Beautifull BASIKASINGO Ancestor Figure
Mizi or Mizimu
Very beautiful statue of classical invoice for this tribe
For a statue with a very similar position, architecture, dimensions and proportions, see "African, Oceanic and Pre-Columbian Art including Property from the Krugier and Lasansky Collection, Sotheby's New York, 05/16/2014, lot 283"
Who are the Basikasingo?
The Basinkasingo live in eastern Congo, north-west of Lake Tanganyka, in the Province of South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi, and more precisely in the Sector of Lulenge.
They are named Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others (Nicolas de Kun, 1979)
Like the Hemba, (and the Boyo), their ancestor effigies are famous
TYPE OF OBJECT: Ancestor statue, figure.
ETHNICAL GROUP: Basikasingo, Pre-Bembe,
Sikasingo, Kasingo.
ORIGINE: Democratic Republic of Congo.
DRC (ex Belgian Congo, ex Zaïre).
DIMENSIONS: About 16 1/2 inches high.
18 1/4 " with its base
18 1/4 " with its base
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