MC1800 Sifflet du Burkina Faso Gurunsi, Mossi, Bwaou Nuna whistle flûte

MC1800 Sifflet du Burkina Faso Gurunsi, Mossi, Bwaou Nuna whistle flûte

Prix régulier $452.00 Solde

English description below 


Mossi, Nuna, Bwa ou Gurunsi 

Grand sifflet - flûte

Superbe patine !
Difficile à attribuer, la pièce la plus ressemblante que j'ai pu trouver est dans la collection "The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas, USA", illustrée par Yale University Press 2008 et serait Nuna ou Bwa
Mais un collègue en vend une quasi aussi proche en l'attribuant aux Gurunsi ou aux Mossi

PROVENANCE: Ex Collection B. B.
(Plus de détails sur demande)


TYPE D'OBJET: Sifflet, flûte
GROUPE ETHNIQUE: Gurunsi, Mossi, Bwa ou Nuna
PAYS D'ORIGINE: Burkina Faso
DIMENSIONS: Hauteur 35 cm
ETAT: Moyen
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Mossi, Nuna, Bwa or Gurunsi

Large whistle - flute

Superb patina
Difficult to attribute, the most similar piece I could find is in "The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas, USA", illustrated by Yale University Press 2008 and would be Nuna or Bwa
But a colleague sells one almost as close by attributing it to the Gurunsi or the Mossi

PROVENANCE: Ex Collection B. B.
(More details on request) 

TYPE OF OBJECT: whistle, flute
ETHNICAL GROUP: Gurunsi, Mossi, Bwa or Nuna
ORIGINE: Burkina Faso
DIMENSIONS: About 13 3/4 Inches high (35 cm)
Please have a look on the pictures. 
The base is NOT included