MC1297 ASE'A, Statuette BEMBE Pre-Bembe janus figure

MC1297 ASE'A, Statuette BEMBE Pre-Bembe janus figure

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This small janiform "magical" sculpture is an amulet

You can see a similar object in 100 peoples, (pages 10 and 11, n°14)
And also in Statuary from the Pre Bembe hunters (pages 45 and 46)

Who are the Basikasingo?
The Basinkasingo live in eastern Congo, northwest of Lake Tanganyka, in the Province of South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi, and more precisely in the Sector of Lulenge.
They are also called Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck
( Biebuyck 1981) or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others, such as Nicolas de Kun, (de Kun, 1979)


ITEM TYPE: Charm, Amulet
ETHNICITY: Bembe, Basikasingo, Sikasingo
ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo.
(Ex Belgian Congo, ex Zaire).
DIMENSIONS: Height 17 cm
20 cm with the base
CONDITION: Average - poor
(See photos).

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Bibliography - Bibliography

- 100 peoples of Zaire and their sculpture. The handbook for collectors, scholars and students, Marc Leo Felix, Brussels: Zaire Basin Art History Research Foundation, 1987
- Statuary from you pre-Bembe hunters, Daniel P. Biebuyck, 1981, Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren pages 45 & 46
- Boyo Art, Nicolas de Kun, Africa-Tervuren, XXV, n°2, 1979


ASE'A, BEMBE - Basikasingo Janus Figure

This small "magic" janiform sculpture is an amulet

We can see a similar object in "100 peoples...", (pages 10 and 11, n° 14)
And also in "Statuary from the Pre Bembe hunters" (pages 45 and 46)

Who are the Basikasingo?
The Basinkasingo live in eastern Congo, north-west of Lake Tanganyka, in the Province of South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi, and more precisely in the Sector of Lulenge.

They are named Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others (Nicolas de Kun, 1979)

Like the Hemba, (and the Boyo), their ancestor effigies are famous

TYPE OF OBJECT: Amulet, charm.
ETHNIC GROUP: Bembe , Basikasingo, Sikasingo
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Democratic Republic Congo
(ex Zaire, ex Belgian Congo).
DIMENSIONS: About 6 3/4 inches high
7 3/4" with the base
CONDITION: Medium - bad
Please have a look on pictures.