MC1724 Rare Hemba Singiti Figure Congo ancestor statue

MC1724 Rare Hemba Singiti Figure Congo ancestor statue

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Superb statue of ancestor HEMBA (Singiti)

Rare Muhona Nkuvu style Singiti

Statues of this style can be seen in Fleuve Congo, fig 183 and in La Grande Statuaire HEMBA" VI, N°9 pages 242 -245

The Singiti, statues of Hemba ancestors, are famous.
They represent the deceased leaders venerated by the tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their political power.
They give off an impression of majesty and great serenity.

The Hemba people live in eastern Congo DRC, between the Lualaba River (Congo River) in the west and Lake Tanganyika in the east.
Their territory is structured around the Luika River which delimits the Hemba of the north and those of the south. They are therefore present in the south of the province of Maniema as well as in the north of the province of Tanganyika (formerly the northern part of the Province of Katanga)
They are geographically and culturally close to the Luba


ETHNIC GROUP: Hemba, Bahemba.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo DRC
(ex Belgian Congo, ex Zaire).
(See photo)

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Bibliography / Bibliography:
- Congo River, François NEYT, Quai Branly Museum, Mercator Fund, 2010
- The great Hemba statuary of Zaire, François Neyt, Louvain-la-neuve, Higher Institute of Archaeology and Art History, 1977
Luigi Spina and Constantin Petridis, Editions 5 Continents, 2017
- Luba Hemba Werke Unbekannter Meister, Frankfurt am Main, Museum für Volkerkunde, 1983

Rare HEMBA Ancestor Figure (Singiti)

Rare Muhona Nkuvu Singiti style

Statues of this style are visible in "Fleuve Congo", fig 183 and in "La Grande Statuaire HEMBA" VI, No. 9 pages 242 -245

The Singiti, the Hemba ancestors figures are famous.
They represent the deceased leaders and, venerated by the entire tribe, they help their successors to legitimize their political power

They give off an impression of majesty and great serenity.

The Hemba live in eastern Congo DRC, between the Lualaba river (Congo river), to the west, and Lake Tanganyka, to the east
Their territory is articulated around the Luika river which delimits the Hemba of the north and those of the south. They are therefore present in the south of the province of Maniema as well as in the north of the province of Tanganyka.(formerly the northern part of Katanga Province)
They are geographically and culturally close to the Luba


TYPE OF OBJECT: Statue, figure.
ETHNICAL GROUP: Hemba, Bahemba.
ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo.DRC
(formerly Belgian Congo, formerly Zaire).
DIMENSIONS: About 21 inches high (53 cm)
(See pictures)