MC1297 ASE'A, Statuette BEMBE Pre-Bembe janus figure
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This small janiform "magical" sculpture is an amulet
You can see a similar object in 100 peoples, (pages 10 and 11, n°14)
And also in Statuary from the Pre Bembe hunters (pages 45 and 46)
They are also called Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck
( Biebuyck 1981) or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others, such as Nicolas de Kun, (de Kun, 1979)
ITEM TYPE: Charm, Amulet
ETHNICITY: Bembe, Basikasingo, Sikasingo
ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo.
DIMENSIONS: Height 17 cm
CONDITION: Average - poor
(See photos).
- Statuary from you pre-Bembe hunters, Daniel P. Biebuyck, 1981, Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren pages 45 & 46
ASE'A, BEMBE - Basikasingo Janus Figure
This small "magic" janiform sculpture is an amulet
We can see a similar object in "100 peoples...", (pages 10 and 11, n° 14)
And also in "Statuary from the Pre Bembe hunters" (pages 45 and 46)
Who are the Basikasingo?
The Basinkasingo live in eastern Congo, north-west of Lake Tanganyka, in the Province of South Kivu, in the Territory of Fizi, and more precisely in the Sector of Lulenge.
They are named Pre-Bembe by some specialists like D. Biebuyck or considered as a Boyo (or Buyu) lineage by others (Nicolas de Kun, 1979)
Like the Hemba, (and the Boyo), their ancestor effigies are famous