- Lega Culture. Art, Initiation and Moral Philosophy Among a Central African People. Daniel P. Biebuyck. 1973. University of California Press

- The arts of Zaire, Vol II Eastern Zaire. Daniel P. Biebuyck. 1986 University of California press
- The sculpture of the Lega. Daniel P. Biebuyck. 1994. Galerie Hélène and Philippe Leloup-Paris-New-York.

- The sculpture of the Lega. Daniel P. Biebuyck. 1994. Galerie Hélène and Philippe Leloup-Paris-New-York.

- Bela Hein, great initiate of Lega ivories, Bernard de Grunne, 2001

- Lega. Ethics and Beauty in the heart of Africa. Daniel P. Biebuyck. 2002. KBC

- The Lega and their art. In the footsteps of a lost dreamer in Congoland. Emile-Alexandre Georges. 2005. Royal Museum for Central Africa

- In search of the meaning of Bwami, through a collection unlike any other. Viviane Baeke. 2009. Royal Museum for Central Africa.
Downloadable for free here: https://docplayer.fr/11895938-A-la-recherche-du-sens-du-bwami.html

- Sculptures do not speak. The Balega made them speak, Daniel P. Biebuyck Notebooks of Oral Literature 67-68: 69-81, 2010
Downloadable for free here: https://journals.openedition.org/clo/487

- Lega jewels from the Benoît Rousseau collection. Viviane Baeke, RMCA and Benoît Rousseau. 2013. BRUNEAF

- The Art of the Central African Lega, Elizabeth L. Cameron. 2013. Quai Branly Museum.

- The Lega Art - Greatness and Humility. In the Vallois collection, Valentine Plisnier and Michel Boulanger, 2016

- The Warega and the Wabembe. An extraordinary social culture and an astonishing civilization without writing in Central Africa, Alexandre Safiannikoff, 2022, Paul Safiannikoff

- Treasures of Africa, Tervuren Museum, collective work, RMCA, 1995
(Notes by Daniel P. Biebuyck)
Articles by Daniel P Biebuyck: https://danielbiebuyck.com/bibliography/articles-pamphlets/
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I have a small collection of Lega pieces that I acquired in Kama in 1969. Are you able/willing to assist me in assessing their relative value?